
Josh Bryant,一位多次获得健力冠军并拥有CSCS体能认证专家的运动员,他认为对于有经验的训练者而言,“正金字塔”法未必是最好的选择,有时也可能成为实力提升的一道坎。他提倡一种名为波浪负荷法(Wave Loading)的训练方式,这种方法让他在短时间内再次提高了自己的力量。



Set Weight(lbs.) Reps Rest Interval

1 1RM of 88% 3 3-5分钟

2 1RM of 93% 2 3-5分钟

3 1RM of 98% 1


Set Weight(lbs.) Reps Rest Interval

1 RM of the set weight's % (90%) to (95%) based on your first wave loading. For example, if you did RM at the end of the first wave, you would use a weight that is equal to your RM from the second wave.

Reps: as above or slightly lower than before. For example, if in the first wave you did three reps with a certain weight, then in this second wave you could do two reps with a similar or slightly higher weight.

Rest interval: same as before.


Set Weight(lbs.) Reps Rest Interval

1 Use a percentage between (92%) and (97%), depending on how much heavier each set will be compared to last time.

Reps: one less than last time. For example, if in the previous waves you did three sets with two reps each, then here you should do only one rep per set.



Weight lbs. Reps Rest Interval

Empty barbell for several times until warm up feel comfortable.

135 lbs., six reps rest for about one minute after each set,

185 lbs., four reps rest for about one minute after each set,

225 lbs., three reps rest for about two minutes after each set,

255 lbs., two reps rest for about two minutes after these sets,

285 lbs., once try it and see how feels like,

First Wave:

Weight lbs. Reps Rest Interval

264 pounds x three times rests between them every five minutes,

279 pounds x twice rests between them every five minutes,

294 pounds x twice rests between them every five minutes,

Second Wave:

Weight pounds x three times rests between them every five minutes

270 pounds x twice rests between them every five minutes

300 pounds once try it and see how feels like,

Third Wave:

Weight pounds x three times rests between them every five minutes

275 pounds x twice rests between them everyfive

This method allows Josh Bryant to increase his strength within half a year without any negative impact on his body health while training regularly under this regimen."