





有氧和无oxidation movement in terms of strength training is also different. Aerobic exercise, such as jogging and cycling, are generally considered to be low-intensity exercises that require a lot of oxygen to produce energy aerobically. Anaerobic exercises like weightlifting and sprinting, on the other hand, are high-intensity activities that can only be sustained for short periods without oxygen.


Another difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise is the recovery period after exercise. After an aerobic workout, your heart rate gradually returns to normal over several minutes or even hours after you stop exercising. In contrast, after an anaerobic workout, your heart rate will return quickly because it requires less time for your body to recover from intense muscle activity.


The adaptation of the body to these two types of exercise is also different in nature and degree of intensity required by each type of physical activity has a significant impact on how much improvement we can see in our bodies' ability to perform them better over time.


When choosing which type of training program best suits their needs or goals individuals must consider factors such as age level health status fitness levels available equipment space preferences personal goals among others before selecting either aerobic or anaerobic exercises based on individual requirements