

在运动中,我们应该优先选择大型肌群,并结合小型肌群(如胸部、大背部、二头、三头及三角形等)进行训练。大型 muscles include chest, back, shoulders, legs and core. During training, pay attention to the feeling of exercising and maintain muscle usage through complete contraction and exhaustion principles to achieve efficient muscle training.

For beginners, it is recommended to use fixed machines as the main equipment until you are familiar with posture and movement paths. Then you can incorporate dumbbells, barbells and other equipment into your workout routine.

Dietary Supplement Principles

In terms of diet, the three major nutrients should account for a daily intake percentage: carbohydrates 60%, proteins 25% and fats 15%. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the body's normal operation. Choose complex carbohydrates from sources like grains, whole grains breads rice potatoes yams sweet potatoes corn beans vegetables etc. Complex carbohydrates mainly exist in starch foods such as wheat oats barley potato corn peas legumes etc

It's important to note that excess glucose will be converted into fat stored in the body so consumption must be controlled. Protein intake can come from eggs milk meat poultry nuts etc or opt for high protein powder supplements which have higher protein content than regular milk or meat products better absorption rate too

Fats should be consumed using plant-based oils instead of animal-based oils such as sunflower oil olive oil sesame oil almonds walnuts pumpkin seeds chia seeds flaxseeds avocado etc