二手医疗器械助力强身:杠铃屈腿硬拉与直腿硬拉动作图解教程 在健身的世界里,杠铃硬拉不仅仅是简单的锻炼,它分为屈腿硬拉和直腿硬拉,每种都有其独特之处。很多人可能会对这两种运动感到困惑,不清楚它们之间的差别及其目标部位,这篇文章将详细阐述这两个动作的基本区别。
屈腿硬拉 直腿硬拉
主要锻炼部位 竖脊肌(后腰、下背) 股二头肌,也称腘绳肌(大腿后侧)
次要锻炼部位 臀大肌 臀大肌
1.双脚呈八字形站立,杠铃放于体前,屈膝俯身,双手正握杠铃,握距约与肩宽或稍宽,头稍抬起,挺胸腰背绷紧,翘臀,上体前倾约45度。-legs muscle use force to straighten knees, slightly pause. Then slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position.
2. When pulling up, shoulders should be fully externally rotated and head lifted; hold for 3 seconds.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower; bend forward without bending knees. Hands grasp the barbell in a neutral grip, with hands positioned vertically in front of the body, or use dumbbells instead.
Keeping legs straight, bend forward until upper body is parallel to the ground; then contract lower back muscles and lift barbell up to starting position while maintaining a tight waistline.
During lowering phase of exercise, maintain a flat back throughout; aim for lowest point possible while keeping arms close to body as much as possible by moving hips backward gradually.
As you reach knee level during lowering process, gently tilt your knees forward but keep them somewhat bent so that weights remain close to your shins at all times during motion.
Avoid scrunching shoulders upward as this will involve too many bicep muscles in action; similarly avoid over-relaxation lest injury occur from excessive strain on muscles involved in these exercises.
During lowering phase of movement:
Maintain a flat spine;
Hips are tilted backward;
Legs stay partially bent (but not locked);
Muscles are stretched maximally before returning control through full range of motion;
In raising phase:
Feel strong contraction in quadriceps;
Pull weight up slowly yet steadily until highest point reached where no additional muscle contractions required - just hold steady tension within muscles without releasing tension;
Both exercises can be done using either barbells or dumbbells depending on personal preference - especially when it comes to performing dumbbell leg presses which allow for more varied angles and thus different areas of targeted muscle stimulation throughout various ranges of motion involved here!