杠铃硬拉:医疗器械注册证代办助您塑身,屈腿硬拉直腿双重挑战! 硬拉分为屈腿硬拉(也称曲腿硬拉)和直腿硬拉,这两种锻炼方法都是综合性强的训练方式。很多人经常混淆二者,分不清二者的动作区别及其目标锻炼部位,因此本文主要阐述二者基本区别。 一般常规的硬拉,是指屈腿硬拉,它是主要锻炼背部的动作;而直腿硬拉其实跟常规硬拉是非常相似的,只是在细节上有所差异,这些微小的调整就能够把更多负荷施加在股二头肌(腘绳肌)上。


屈腿hardla 直leg hardla

主要锻炼部位 竖脊肌(后腰、下背) 股二头肌,也称腘绳肌(大腿后侧)

次要锻炼部位 臀大肌 臀大肌


双脚呈八字形站立,杠铃放于体前,屈膝俯身,双手正握杠铃,握距约与肩宽或稍宽,头稍抬起,挺胸腰背绷紧,翘臀,上体前倾约45度。-leg muscle use force to straighten the knee and lift the weight, pause for a moment. Then slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position.

At the highest point, both shoulders should be fully abducted and lifted, with your head held high and chest out. Hold for 3 seconds before lowering back down.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower; bend forward without bending your knees. Both hands should hold a barbell in an overhand grip, with your arms hanging vertically in front of you.

Keep your spine straight as you bend forward until your upper body is parallel to the ground, then contract your lower back muscles to lift the barbell up to its original position while keeping your waist tight throughout.


During the lowering phase of deadlifting, keep your back straight and let the barbell drop as low as possible while moving your hips backward slowly to maintain contact between it and yourself during this process. When passing below knee level, allow for slight hip sinking and knee flexion while ensuring that knees are kept close together throughout.

Avoid scrunching shoulders or allowing them to slouch too much during this movement because it could cause excessive involvement from other muscle groups such as deltoids; also avoid relaxation lest one risk injury from strain on those muscles.

Keep maintaining proper posture by having a flat back through all phases of lifting: keep legs bent but not locked out when extending at joints’ maximum range without locking them tightly; stretch quadriceps maximally when reaching lowest point after dropping weights fully downwardly around ankles area without needing any bending at knees nor tilting toes upward toward heels upon returning upward motion where feeling strong contractions happening within quadriceps muscles due partly due mental intention needed here—-stop momentarily only just past full extension -then gradually descending again maintaining continuous tension across involved muscle groups never letting any breathing room for these muscles!

Both deadlifts can choose using either dumbbells or barbells; particularly direct leg press utilizing dumbbells which offers more versatility in changing angles targeting different areas within muscular tissues than traditional methods used most commonly among individuals interested focusing their efforts towards strengthening specific parts rather than relying solely on static positions like sitting on chair type machines designed primarily intended just exercising glutes alone!