硬拉分为屈腿硬拉(也称曲腿硬拉)和直腿硬拉,都是综合锻炼方法。很多人经常混淆二者,分不清二者动作区别及其目标锻炼部位,因此本文主要阐述二者基本区别。 一般常规的硬拉,是指屈腿硬拉他是主要锻炼背部的动作;直腿硬拉其实跟常规硬拉是非常的相似,但是光靠改变细节和意念,就能够把更多的负荷施加在股二头肌(腘绳肌)上。
基本区别比较: 屈 legs hard pull Straight leg hard pull 主要锻炼部位 Latissimus dorsi (upper and middle back) Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus (hamstrings) 次要锻炼部位 Gluteus maximus Gluteus maximus 动作要领 1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell or barbell in front of your body with hands at shoulder level or slightly wider than shoulder width. Keep your back straight, chest up, head slightly lifted. Bend knees to lower the weight down until upper arms are parallel to the ground. Slowly lift the weight up by extending knees while keeping your core engaged throughout the entire movement.
Pause for a moment when reaching the highest point of contraction before lowering it slowly again.
Maintain proper form throughout each rep and avoid letting shoulders sag or hunch over.
Repeat for desired number of reps based on personal fitness goals.
Hold a dumbbell or barbell in both hands at shoulder level with palms facing forward and arms hanging straight down from shoulders.
Bend forward from hips without bending knees until torso is nearly parallel to ground.
Keep lower back muscles contracted as you slowly lift weight upward using only hip movement without any knee bend during entire range of motion.
4-6 inches off ground
5.Tighten glutes throughout exercise
6.Stop when hamstrings feel fully stretched
7.Lower weight carefully under control then repeat for desired number of reps based on personal fitness goals