Shoulder Pain: Train Your Deltoids with Eccentric Contraction!
大腿后侧髋部伸展肌肉群(臀部大腿后)侧是我们最大的动力链之一,健身房常见的硬拉俯身划船,桥式都是典型的伸髋动作。 A powerful hip drive chain enables you to showcase your athletic prowess and sculpt a more toned physique, while also playing a crucial role in preventing back disorders!
俯卧抬腿是一个最基本最经典的发展伸髋力量,锻炼臀部的动作。 The supine leg lift is a fundamental exercise that develops hip extension strength and targets the gluteal muscles.
今天我们要给大家介绍利用等长收缩来进行俯卧抬腿的动作! Today, we will introduce the use of eccentric contraction for performing supine leg lifts.
等长收缩是运动训练中常常被人忽视的肌肉收缩方式,不过从锻炼的效益上来说,它并不差! Eccentric contraction is often overlooked in resistance training, but its benefits are undeniable.
你需要一个俯卧的椅子或箱子就可以,操作十分方便。 You can use a bench or box for this exercise; it's quite convenient.
以下是动作过程: Here's the step-by-step process:
选择一个高越一米的箱子,上半身俯在凳子上、以髋关节为支点,卡住高度在髋部上方! Choose an elevated surface (about one meter high), position yourself with your upper body leaning forward over the edge of the bench or box, using your hips as pivot points with your hands grasping onto something sturdy above you.
抓住扶手稳定身体,膝盖微曲,双腿伸直抬高约和地面平行! Hold onto something stable to secure your body position, keep knees slightly bent and legs straightened as you lift them approximately parallel to the ground.
让你的同伴抓住你的小腿,然后往下按压,而你需要对抗这股力量,始终保持腿部维持在起始位置; Allow someone else to grasp your ankle and apply downward pressure while you resist this force by keeping your legs stationary at their starting point.
这时候,你需要努力去收缩臀部以及你的大腿后侧肌肉,以向上抬举并保持静止20-30秒;或者尝试单脚操作 If successful, maintain tension on these muscles for 20-30 seconds before slowly lowering back down; single-leg variations can be attempted if desired.
Slowly lower yourself down allowing time to feel tension build up in those glutes!
Maintain spinal alignment throughout; eliminate any discomfort from lower back strain.
Keep everything tight – no room for slippage!