

像我的身体赘肉少的人,使用卷腹轮可以直接的锻炼我的身体,而我的身体有很多赘肉的人,则需要在减去赘肉之后才能有锻炼 abdominal muscle 的效果,所用时间自然就长了。

使用卷腹轮练出 abdominal muscle,也除了看卷腹轮的锻炼强度之外,还要看我自己的实际情况。如果本身肚子上赘肉多,那么想要练出 abdominal muscle 的时间就会比那些没有脂肪的人要多。一般情况下,如果能够坚持用卷腹轮锻炼,我三个月左右能看到一定的效果。



在做 volitional curling machine 动作之前,我们还是先需要做一些准备工作,因为在每一个运动之前,如果能够做好准备的话,也能够辅助后续的手势。我们首先注意的是背部和髋部姿态,这时候我们的背部最好是微微拱起,上半身到这片区域有一小段折叠,这样才能够让 my abdomen participate in the movement.


这个运动过程其实最重要的是我们在握住 volitional curling machine 的同时,要往前伸,而当伸的时候可不是随便往前的,是要注意控制力度。如果能够控制好力度,就能够很好的 train to our body, but if not controlled well, the body will sway with the rolling of the volitional curling machine, which may cause injury to our muscles. During this stretching process, we also need to pay attention to controlling core participation because during this action process, the goal is to tighten up core area and pull back volitional curling machine.

将volational curling machine拉回身体

在这个动作中,我们的一直保持挺直,但是生长时我们的脊柱也会弯曲,但整个上半身还是必须保持不弯曲状态才是最佳。如果大家将上半身如同平板支撑那样,那么就会导致 abdomen unable to contract and exert force, so cannot effectively train our abdominals. Some people believe that no matter how far they stretch out their bodies can be pulled back by them, actually it's because arms are involved in motion and arm strength pulls back one's body that makes it possible for bodies to be pulled back without effect on training abs.


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