





race thinks said, "i feel like i'm almost losing my athletic ability. those scientists say that the more weight you carry, the more weight you can lift. but i feel like right now, i'm worse off than before."

其实,race thoughts'这些身体变化只是表面现象,并没有反映出问题的本质所在。“force increase”更多是指absolute strength's increase,而不是指endurance and relative strength. for example, race thought use the same weights to do shoulder press when he used to do it before, but now he only does six or seven reps instead of ten.

another reason why race thought can't do a handstand anymore is because his body has become less flexible since gaining weight. if he had gained muscle mass instead of fat and water, it would be difficult to say whether his flexibility would decrease or not. however, because most of the extra weight came from fat (and water), his flexibility decreased accordingly.

this case tells us that if we just want to gain strength by eating a lot and becoming overweight, we will face problems with flexibility and relative strength decreasing even though absolute strength may not change much. in conclusion, pursuing power growth while achieving satisfactory results through both dieting and training is what really matters; otherwise another new start awaits – losing weight.

so why did race thought’s experiment fail? there are several reasons for this:

1.firstly , race thought didn’t actually lose any muscle mass during his four-month period of overeating; rather , he simply gained a lot of fat (and water). this means that even though he was carrying more weight around due to increased body mass ,his actual muscular force didn’t necessarily increase proportionally as well.

2.secondly , although some studies suggest that carrying more body mass could lead to greater absolute strength in certain circumstances — such as during activities involving heavy loads — these findings aren’t universally applicable across all types of physical tasks or exercises.

3.thirdly , endurance was another factor at play here: despite having gained significant amounts of excess pounds during overeating phase .when doing similar workouts previously done at lighter weights without getting tired easily enough beforehand — so no fatigue occurred until after completing about 7 reps on each set!

in summary : whilst increasing one's overall size might potentially boost raw power under specific conditions(like lifting heavier loads),it isn't necessarily true for other forms exercise routine nor does it guarantee improved performance in general terms considering factors such as flexibility loss due growing amount fats & water content inside human bodies which negatively affect their overall fitness level compared against leaner versions selfsame individuals prior experience undergoing similar workout sessions earlier timespan spanned by experimental period conducted upon oneselfself via consuming large portions food items mainly consisting fatty acids carbohydrates high-calorie snacks leading obesity-related health issues potentially resulting diminished quality life expectancy further complications potential risks associated with being morbidly obese state - thus making better choices towards healthier lifestyle habits advisable maintaining good health status throughout entire lifespan stages regardless age groupings involved within family units themselves!