adopting a kneeling position on the yoga mat, with knees slightly lifted and hands placed on the ground for support, keep your chest forward and abdomen contracted while lowering your head towards your thighs, then exhale as you stretch one hand upwards and inhale to return it to its original position. Do this for both sides in one set, repeating 5 times.
Lie flat on a yoga mat with arms at your sides and legs bent at a 90-degree angle; hold an apple shape pose while keeping your back straight and abdominal muscles tight; exhale as you lift each leg towards the ceiling without moving any other part of your body until it reaches a 90-degree angle from the floor; maintain this pose for five breaths before inhaling to lower it back down to its starting position.
lie down on a yoga mat with arms stretched out above you or resting behind your ears, then exhale as you use upper arm joints to touch opposite knees while keeping shoulders relaxed; inhale slowly until returning to initial position.
Tips: Keep waist close to the yoga mat when performing these movements. Avoid using both hands under nape of neck as many nerves are located there which may cause pressure if not done properly.
These exercises can help improve flexibility in addition reducing fat around waistline effectively helping those who have apple-shaped bodies achieve their fitness goals