屈腿硬拉 直腿硬拉
主要锻炼部位 竖脊肌(后腰、下背) 股二头肌,也称腘绳肌(大腿后侧)
次要锻炼部位 臀大肌 臀大肌
- 双脚呈八字形站立,杠铃放于体前,屈膝俯身,双手正握杠铃,握距约与肩宽或稍宽,头稍抬起,挺胸腰背绷紧,翘臀,上体前倾约45度。-legs muscle use force to stretch knees and lift the weight, slightly pause. Then slowly bend knees to restore.
- Raise the weight to the highest point, shoulders should be fully abducted, lift head up straighten chest, hold for three seconds.
Two feet stand apart as wide as shoulders; forward bent without bending knees. Hands grasp barbell in an overhand grip with a shoulder-width spacing above body front side or can use dumbbells with arms hanging down from both sides of body without lowering head.
Straight knee bends forward until upper torso is parallel to ground then lower back muscles contract and flex spine forward lifting barbell into initial position.
During placing barbell down process keep back straight; place barbell lower than possible while moving buttocks backward slowly maintaining it always close to body when putting barbell below knee level move buttocks downward slightly; knee joint moves forward slightly but keeps close contact between them.
Avoid shrugging shoulders otherwise latissimus dorsi muscles will excessively participate in movement also do not relax too much or else injury may occur.
Keep back straight during placing barbell down process and push hips backward slightly while keeping legs curved lightly allow joints not lock tightly stretching biceps femoris muscle at lowest point of dumbbells maintain stability by preventing hip sinking and kneecaps moving forwards.
Both actions can be done using either a barbell or dumbbells particularly using dumbbells for direct leg hard pull allows flexibility variation changing angles of dumbbells stimulates different parts of muscles which is biggest advantage of using dumbbells for direct leg hard pull.