深蹲能不能瘦leg?这需要看情况。首先排除先天的遗传因素,对于绝大多数女生来说,她们leg粗主要是因为leg上脂肪太多。有些girls 就不服气了:“不用你说,我知道自己有点胖,但我就是想要legs.”可惜的是,脂肪是整体缩水或者膨胀。这表示仅通过练legs 是达不到减少leg部脂肪目的,而应该把锻炼重心放在减少全身的脂肪上。
如果每天坚持做deep squats 或者其他’s trainings(doing deep squats也是消耗热量),使身体一直处于reducing fat状态,就会在长期下来全身各个部分都变小了,因为fat is less dense than muscle, while muscle growth is a slow process. So, the result of reducing fat is that all parts of the body become smaller.
So, to sum up, doing deep squats can help reduce fat but it cannot directly say that deep squats can make legs thinner. Finally, remind those who think their legs are too thick not to forget to lose some fat (not muscular) and then correct X-shaped or O-shaped legs so that your two legs will look more straight and you can have beautiful long legs.
As for Anallenla Sagra's famous physique from Serbia with clear definition in her abdominal muscles which makes many men blush. But many people don't like Anallenla Sagra's lower limbs because they see big circles around them. This is also caused by long-term practice of various types of deep squat exercises (low body fat ratio). For most girls this kind of leg training goes too far.
In conclusion, combining these views together we know that doing deep squats can be used for weight loss but saying directely "deep squats" make leg thinner may not be very accurate.