shoulder-thick girl, do you know why your shoulders appear thick? Let's explore the six ways to help you slim down quickly!
Rowing machine exercise
Try rowing machine exercises that target the back and shoulder muscles. Adjust the handle to a medium-low intensity, perform for at least 30 minutes with breaks in between, aiming for 4-5 sets.
Swimming is an excellent way to reduce body fat and tone muscles. Focus on butterfly stroke, freestyle stroke, breaststroke, or backstroke – each has its benefits.
Chest expansion exercises
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hands held horizontally in front of your chest. Move arms forward and backward while keeping them parallel to each other until they almost touch behind your back. Repeat this motion 20 times daily for improved posture and muscle definition.
4a-b-c-d-e-f-g: Push-ups
Perform push-ups by lying face-down with arms bent at a 90-degree angle above your shoulders; alternate crawling forward using one arm while stretching the opposite leg forward; crawl along a straight line or circle around yourself; then switch directions.
5.Lift dumbbells
Practice neck bridge lifts in either standing or seated positions: hold dumbbells wide grip behind your necks as you press them up towards chin level when arms are fully extended overhead (6-8 sets).
6.Dietary awareness
Combining proper diet with regular exercise is essential for effective weight loss: limit high-fat foods, maintain regular mealtimes throughout the day including protein-rich meals before bed after dinner after breakfast before sleep during workouts post-workout before bedtime late-night snacks avoid consuming heavy meals after evening hours drink water upon waking sleeping going about three liters per day stay hydrated throughout focus on eating healthy balanced meals consume fruits following workouts follow these tips consistently keep track of food intake monitor progress observe changes celebrate successes