






总结:chest is the best starting point for muscle growth, every workout should be done with all your might! If you see some improvement in chest, try doing dumbbell exercises too, it's great! If you're still thin, forget about other muscles and focus on bench press!


宽拉引体向上(this exercise is the most amazing back exercise I've ever tried, make sure to keep your back straight and head thrown back)

颈前下拉(back straight, body leaning backwards, try different positions yourself)

坐姿划船(when sending forward remember to arch your back and pull out your chest as far as possible)

总结:back is the hardest part for skinny guys to train don't give up just because it's hard!


颈前推举(use a barbell or dumbbells, protect yourself by using a Smith machine if needed)

提拉举重运动 (elbow above shoulder level for 1-2 seconds before slowly lowering)

侧平举 (very tough exercise with elbows high above shoulders)

总结: shoulders have three parts - front deltoids, middle deltoids and rear deltoids - training shoulders isn't painful but it can be sore!


1 & 2: 托臂哑铃/杠铃弯举 (using triceps allows you to use more than just two heads of strength)

3: 哑铃交替臂弯举 (do decremented sets)

总结: bicep muscles are small groups that can be trained separately or combined with another group; there are many ways to train them.


1: 齐眉臂弯举 (my favorite movement which gives good blood flow; pay attention to elbow direction when lifting heavy weights)

2 & 3 & 4 & 5: 绳索下拉 /颈后双臂屈伸 /俯身臂屈伸 / 板凳支撑

Total summary:

three-headed muscles directly affect hand width and pushing power.


Abdominal crunches

Abdominal tearer

Abdominal eight minutes


abdominals are the only muscle group that can be trained daily; my abdominal count cannot be calculated due to strong intensity; currently popular methods include abdominal tearer workouts which I find effective.


Dumbbell squats at home

Barbell squats suitable for heavier weights.

Arrow step squatting


leg muscles must be trained seriously since they promote overall muscular development; frequent leg training makes one look more masculine.


I hope these words help those who read them after seeing their own progress from exercising regularly; fitness becomes addictive once changes start appearing in our bodies regardless of whether we were born naturally handsome or not - anyone can achieve an attractive physique through effort alone! Exercise brings health and confidence ultimately leading us towards a better life full of self-esteem boosters like a well-toned body!(end)